Coconut Oil to Heal Your Sunburn

Many claim that coconut oil may aid with sunburn. However, oil-based moisturizers may exacerbate sunburn by trapping the skin’s inherent heat.

It is crucial to follow a doctor’s instructions if you get sunburn. Consider using an aloe vera-based moisturizer and taking frequent cold baths or showers.

We will investigate this notion further to determine if organic coconut oil may alleviate sunburn. In addition to explaining ways to minimize sunburn, we also examine alternative therapies.

  • Anti-burn effects of coconut oil:

There are no current studies on the issue, although it may benefit from sunburn.

A 2021 animal study tested the effects of virgin coconut oil on the skin of albino mice exposed to UV radiation. While the research did indicate that virgin coconut oil had anti-inflammatory properties and lowered skin thickness due to UV exposure, it did not assess whether or not the oil accelerated sunburn recovery.

Therefore, it is unknown whether coconut oil is effective for treating sunburn. According to the Sunburn Control Foundation, fats may increase sunburn symptoms. It may clog pores and intensify the heat and burning sensation when applied to the skin, and the obstruction of pores may worsen acne.

Consequently, it may be more effective than other therapies for reducing UV damage after sunburn has healed.

Although this may be accurate, further high-quality research on the effects of coconut oil on humans is necessary to confirm this.

  • How to properly apply coconut oil to a burn:

Several home cures may help relieve the pain of a mild sunburn. Since it has been established that it raises skin temperature, it is not suggested as a first-line treatment for sunburn. Priority should be given to alternative therapies, such as:

Taking many cold showers is a traditional way to cool down during hot weather.

After a soothing bath, calm inflamed skin with a moisturizer containing aloe vera or soy protein, and then apply a hydrocortisone cream.

To prevent additional irritation, you should avoid benzocaine-containing topical anaesthetics—intake more water for hydrating.

Using medicines such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and covering oneself to prevent further sun damage.

Those interested in utilizing coconut oil might acquire virgin coconut oil and use it topically as a balm. They may also use a moisturizer containing this ingredient. After the sunburn has completely healed, it may be prudent to do this action.

  • People may also try the alternative therapies listed below:

Oatmeal particles converted to a powder:

Several medical institutions advocate cool, relaxing oatmeal baths using colloidal oatmeal for sunburn. Many people use colloidal oatmeal as a standard dry, itchy skin treatment. Black and green tea are both healthful alternatives.

In traditional Chinese medicine, black or green tea, if iced, is advised as a therapy for sunburn. Tea is advantageous due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Studies on animals show that tea, and maybe green tea, can reduce the amount of UV-induced DNA damage. The iced tea may be administered topically or to the skin.

Conclusion: After a sunburn no longer causes pain, coconut oil for body may be used as a skin care regimen. However, they should not use it as sunscreen since it will not give appropriate protection.

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